Co-authored by Mariza Machado Coelho (MACh Arquitetos), Franklin Lee and Anne Save de Beaurecueil (SUBDV); collaboration: Hyun Jin Kim and Asako Hayashi (SUBDV), Guilherme Peluci, Felipe José and Janaina Lopes Nogueira (MACh); images: Felipe Campolina.
2010 _ CTU

This is a 2500 m² building to serve as a factory and research center for Usiminas steel manufacturer in the Technology Park in Rio de Janeiro. The advanced use of steel through digital fabrication and parametric design sought to reflect the latest steel fabrication technologies to be produced and researched within the building itself. A three-story structure of offices and laboratories were raised on ‘pilotis’ above an open factory floor, while a curve shell of delaminating sun-shade and light reflectors created a double skin to mediate the light and natural ventilation of the building.
The triangular components were generated using parametric design to respond to key sun-angles throughout the year, and were used at multiple scales to create an ornamental effect. The components were also coordinated to have inlet and outlet points for air flows, helping to cool the building and lower air-conditioning loads.